A combined industrial buildings sheet featuring the Townscenes quayside scenes and a set of four stand-alone factory buildings.
The quayside sset comprises three background sections featuring ships alongside a wharves, complete with background dockyard structures, cranes and transit sheds. these can be used as backscenes for a line passing alongside a river or dock, or the foreground water area can be covered, leaving the ship superstructures visible to provide a distant port background.
The industrial buildings are one of the most useful sets in the Townscenes range, the stone and brick built factory or mill structures can be used to provide variations in a town or city centre backscene. Once cut out the individual buildings can be positioned into a larger scene.
Careful arrangement of background buildings, eg. using large foreground structures to partially obscure smaller buildings and appear to be 'in front' of them, can provide an increased appearance of depth within a scene, a technique known as forced perspective.