Wild Swan 9781905184637 LMS Lineside Handbook Part Two - Anderson & Twells
Wild Swan LMS Lineside Handbook Part Two - Anderson & Twells 9781905184637
The LMS Lineside Handbook provides the LMS modeller with an extensively illustrated reference to the lineside signage, and station platform equipment of the LMS railway.
Part two covers a range of lineside and station signs, including cast iron weight limit and trespass signs, followed by a vast selection of platform fixtures, covering timetable and poster boards, platform numbvering and station bench seats. Finally there is a section devoted to platform barrows and trolleys which will be sure to provide enough for the porters of even a large station without duplication!
The book is copiously illustrated with views of LMS stations, many showing much more than just the subject, allowing a period scene to be created. Drawings and diagrams of the major and standard fixtures allow other features to be gauged against them and placed together to create an atmospheric scene.
102 pages, A4 format, softback.