Woodland Scenics B94 Grey Blend Ballast Medium
Woodland Scenics Grey Blend Ballast Medium B94
Woodland Scenics B94 Medium Grey Blend Ballast
Large Bag, size 43.3cu.in / 709cu.cm
Realistic model railway track ballast, crushed rock and stones. Easy to use and colorfast. For any scale.
The blend packs contain a mix of light, mid and darker grey stone chips, giving track ballast a more realistic appearance.
Particle size: Medium: 0.033" - 0.049"
Scales to N 7.3"-11", OO 2.5"-3.75", O 1.6"-2.4"
Coverage (approx) : 1 Bag - Medium Blend 9.5 sq ft
Contains tree nut by-products.