Obsidian Flames

Pokémon TCG Obsidian Flames Collection

You will be sent one at random, unless otherwise specified, subject to availability.

1 * Scarlet & Violet Obsidian Flames booster
1 * Coin
3 * Cards
  Either: Annihilap (foil), Primeape and Mankey or Kingambit (foil), Bisharp and Pawniard


Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
Delivery from stores takes a few days longer!
(Product Ref 122472)
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To place an order please call 01453 377030

Scarlet & Violet set 3.

One booster pack only

Booster box shown for illustration only 



Must be ordered - delivery as soon as possible.
(Product Ref 122467)
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To place an order please call 01453 377030
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