Heljan O Gauge 499x BR Mk.1 GUV General Utility Vehicle
Liveries are as below, please state which one you would like in the information box in the checkout.
4986 - SATLINK Western red & yellow KDB977557
4987 - BR Blue weathered W86370 (weathered model £259)
4988 - BR Blue Newspapers
4989 - RES Rall Express Systems red & grey
4990 - BR Parcels red with yellow stripes
4992 - BR blue unnumbered
4993 - BR blue Express Parcels unnumbered
4994 - BR Southern region green
4996 - InterCity Motorail InterCity Executive livery unnumbered
4997 - Network Southeast unnumbered
A detailed model of the BR 57-ft general utility van. These vans had 3 double doors on each side plus end doors designed to be able to be opened between vehicles with drop-down flaps forming bridge plates. The vans could be loaded with mail and pacels in bags or BRUTE trolleys through the side doors, or road vehicles could be driven in through the end doors.