Rapido Trains OO 944003 GWR 16204 Diagram V14 Vacuum Braked MINK A Ventilated Box Van GWR Grey 25in Lettering
In 1912 the GWR standardised the twin-bonnet pattern end for their ventilated box vans which continued until after nationalisation. The first vans with the revised end were given diagrams V14 for vans with vacuum train brakes for express goods trains and V16 for the unfitted version. 5,506 'fitted vans were built along with 2,759 unfitted before the underframe was changed to a 10-feet wheelbase in the mid-1920s. The majority of these vans remained in service at nationalisation, though their older 9-feet wheelbase chassis demoted them from express goods service.
This model replicates vacuum train brake fitted diagram V14 van 16204 in GWR goods grey livery with the pre-grouping period 25in height lettering.