Bargain Books

Clearance books at bargain prices.
When they're gone they're gone!

Railway Wagon Plans - 1960s to present 9780711038431
A compilation of highly detailed technical wagon drawings, ideal as reference for all railway modellers.
Hardback. 192pp. 21cm by 30cm.

MRP £27.50
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 114193)
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London Midland Steam 9780750987967
The railway photographs of R.J. (Ron) Buckley.
Paperback. 168pp. 25cm by 22cm.
MRP £25.00
Warehouse: 1
Cardiff: 1
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(Product Ref 112143)
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MRP £20.00
Warehouse: 2
Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 128188)
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A collection of the author's evocative photographs that reveal the changes occurring on the lines that flowed in and out of London in the post-war years. From Euston and Paddington and out to the suburbs around London these previously unpublished photos record the mood of the late 40's, 50's and 60's.
Author: Wrenford J. Thatcher.
Publisher: History Press.
Hardback. 160pp. 17cm by 25cm.
MRP £19.99
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 96701)
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A selection of photographs of the Great Western Railway taken by Robert Brookman between 1899 and 1922.
Publisher: Williams.
Paperback. 80pp. 21cm by 27cm.
MRP £18.00
Warehouse: 2
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(Product Ref 115528)
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Wagon Recognition 9780955827525
A full colour guide to identifying Departmental Wagons and 0n-Track Plant, this volume 2 covers carkinds Y and Z.
Author: Martin Buck & Mark Rawlinson.
Publisher: Freightmaster.
Paperback. 144pp. 16cm by 24cm.
MRP £19.95
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 102876)
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A pictorial, nostalgic record of regional steam around Britain in the 1950's, from the Western Region to the Scottish Region.

Author: Brian Morrison. Publisher: Railway Herald.

Paperback. 130pp. 20cm by 29cm.

ISBN-13: 9780956258106

MRP £14.99
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 94696)
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This book takes the reader on a pictorial journey; in time from the early 1970s to 2020 and to places all around Scotland. All of the images are published for the first time. The captions reflect the author’s recollections and experiences from the platform end to more hands on railway adventures. As well as the everyday railway, there are insights into the preservation scene and steam on the main line.
MRP £30.00
Warehouse: 3
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(Product Ref 128193)
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Gresley’s A4 Pacifics are arguably the most famous locomotives ever built, a status cemented by Mallard’s record breaking run on the 3rd July ‘38. And yet only a year later the glamorous ‘streaks’ seemed likely to be cast into obscurity by the coming of another world war. So, for only four exhilarating years they were allowed to flourish as their creator had intended and in that time captured the imagination of railwaymen and public alike.
MRP £35.00
Warehouse: 7
Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 128190)
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The author’s second volume about the Great Western’s classic express locomotives covers their final six years in British Railways service. In 1960 the Castles, many now modernised with double chimneys and 4-row superheaters, were still in charge of most of the Western Region’s expresses, but by the summer of 1963 their regular express work was limited to the London – Worcester route. Their declining numbers in the last couple of years covered special summer and relief trains, parcels and freight work, deputising for failed or unavailable diesels and a flurry of excursions and railtours where their prowess could still be demonstrated. The author worked and lived alongside them in these years and the book includes much of his own personal experience on the footplate, on their trains and on shed. The book recaps briefly their first 25 years and covers their history, operation and performance in their final years and is copiously illustrated including over 100 colour photographs.
MRP £30.00
Warehouse: 9+
Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 2, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 128189)
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Leeds to Carlisle
The line from Leeds to Carlisle gave the Midland Railway an independent route to Scotland, in opposition to the rival London & North Western line. The line extends for some 113 miles, the easternmost sections having been constructed by the Leeds & Bradford and North Western railways, while the spectacular scenic route from Settle to Carlisle was built by the Midland.
Author: Stanley C Jenkins & Martin Loader.
Publisher: Amberley.
Paperback. 128pp. 24cm by 16cm.
MRP £16.99
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 102565)
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MRP £25.00
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 108027)
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The Modern Traction Profiles Privatisation Classes 9781473864375
A pictorial survey of diesel and electric locomotives and units since 1994.
Hardback. 263pp. 26cm by 20cm.
MRP £30.00
Warehouse: 1
Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 114358)
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MRP £30.00
Warehouse: 2
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(Product Ref 117141)
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MRP £25.00
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 116744)
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Colour photos detailing the classes that are preserved on heritage lines. Revealing the rarely acknowledged work put in by enthusiasts.

Hardback. 126pp. 28cm by 23cm.
MRP £25.00
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 110720)
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MRP £25.00
Warehouse: 1
Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 122578)
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At its peak, the South Wales railway network was one of the most complex in the world. Its primary purpose was to transport Coal from source to point of consumption or export via the various docks. To this was added the other raw materials necessary for making Iron and ultimately Steel, together with the respective products of that industry.
MRP £30.00
Warehouse: 2
Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 128194)
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Great Northern Atlantics 9781783463671
A pictorial reference book which is one of Pen & Sword's 'Locomotive Portfolios' series. These engines had a huge following, which continues to this day, with model engineers and small scale modellers continuing to reproduce fine steam and electric models.
Hardback. 128pp. 26cm by 24cm.
MRP £19.99
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 48953)
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MRP £19.99
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 115279)
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This fascinating, and well illustrated book is essential reading for all those railway modellers who wish to build their own wagons & vans.
Paperback. 192pp. 19cm by 24cm.
MRP £18.99
Warehouse: 1
Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 105543)
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Suffolk In The Age Of Steam 9781846741623
A feast of nostalgia as we take a look at what is considered the golden era of the railways as engines wiz along puffing out a long line of white clouds in Suffolk.
Author: Robin Jones
Publisher: Countryside Books
Paperback. 112pp. 16cm by 23cm.
MRP £10.99
Warehouse: 1
Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 98173)
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This album shows the last ten years or so of steam, when much of the old infrastructure survived.
Author: Michael Welsh.
Publisher: Rails..
Hardback. 96pp. 22cm by 25cm.
MRP £19.95
Warehouse: 1
Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 115522)
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The year 1963 saw the publication of the infamous 'Beeching Report', The Reshaping of British Railways. In fact, this 'reshaping' involved the radical downsizing of the existing rail network – hundreds of stations would be closed to both freight and passenger traffic together with thousands of miles of track, while many staff would lose their jobs. This series looks at the background to the Report, and how it affected different parts of the country. This volume covers west Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, listing and describing all the lines that closed, the well-researched text supported by maps and contemporary photographs and timetables. It also lists pre-Beeching closures, lines that closed despite not being listed in the Report, those that survived the Report, and the numerous wayside stations that closed on the lines that remained open.In 1963 most places in the West Country were within easy reach of a railway station. By the end of the decade all that had changed. This book attempts to catalogue what was lost and what remains.
MRP £25.00
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 125370)
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MRP £40.00
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 122608)
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Graham Nicholas traces the journey of trainspotter and rail photographer Norman Harrop through the 1950s golden age of steam and beyond.
MRP £25.00
Warehouse: 2
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(Product Ref 125395)
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A pictorial guide to steam in Gloucestershire that highlights the large variety of steam locomotives that worked in the county and covers the final years of steam locomotives and the transition to diesel.

MRP £10.99
Warehouse: 3
Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 2, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 102873)
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The Peaks Volume 2 of the Heritage Traction in Colour series byNostalgia Road Publications.
Paperback. 60pp. 21cm by 20cm.
MRP £9.95
Warehouse: 1
Bristol: 2, Cardiff: 2, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 116736)
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MRP £16.00
Warehouse: 1
Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 119477)
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MRP £16.00
Warehouse: 1
Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 119478)
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9781906419295 A Pictorial Parade of Southern Region Road Vehicles
A wide selection of images on this fascinating and rarely recorded subject.
Hardback. 64pp. 28cm by 22cm.
MRP £13.95
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 110274)
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MRP £13.95
Warehouse: 1
Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 125408)
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Industrial Railways of Southern England in Colour 9781906419813
Giving a flavour of the industrial railway scene found in the South of England little more than 50 years ago.
Hardback. 96pp. 27cm by 21cm.

MRP £18.50
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 114190)
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9781909328211 Western Memories
A heavily illustrated store of recollections from the glorious Great Western, as remembered by the author.
Author: Mike Jacobs.
Publisher: Kevin Robertson - Noodle Books.
Paperback. 88pp. 22cm by 22cm.
MRP £16.50
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 110266)
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MRP £12.99
Warehouse: 1
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(Product Ref 122595)
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Ian Allan Publishing British Railway Standard Class 5 9780711033924
The history of the class 5 locomotive from concept and design to the last four that were preserved and used still.
Hardback. 96pp. 19cm by 25cm.
MRP £19.99

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 98580)
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An illustrated history of the locomotives and scenes from the Edwardian Railway and tables of the models used with certain stats and information on the models.
Author: Peter Darke
Publisher: Ian Allan
Hardback. 96pp. 18cm by 24cm.
MRP £16.99

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 96636)
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The railway photographs of R.J. (Ron) Buckley.
Author: Brian J. Dickson.
Publisher: History Press.
Paperback. 96pp. 24cm by 22cm.
MRP £18.99

Cardiff: 1
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(Product Ref 105546)
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Cheshire Railways 9780752449791
Britain's railways in old photographs.
Author: Mike Hitches.
Publisher: History Press.
Paperback. 128pp. 16cm by 23cm.
MRP £14.99

Cardiff: 1
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(Product Ref 112148)
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RCTS British Railways Standard Steam Locomotives 
A detailed history -The end of an era. Vol 5.
Publisher: RCTS.
Hardback. 208pp. 21cm by 27cm.
MRP £27.95

Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 117166)
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9780901115980 RCTS Stanier Class Five 4-6-0s Vol 1
A detailed history. Locomotives of the LMS series.
Author: John Jennison.
Publisher: RCTS.
Hardback. 288pp. 21cm by 27cm.
MRP £29.95

Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 117167)
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9780901115997 RCTS Stanier Class Five 4-6-0s Vol 2
A detailed history. Locomotives of the LMS series.
Author: John Jennison.
Publisher: RCTS.
Hardback. 288pp. 21cm by 27cm.
MRP £29.95

Bristol: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 117168)
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West from Salisbury 9780948975875
A wonderful nostalgic and pictorial history of the last 150 years of the railway to Tisbury and Gillingham. Author: Steve Chislett & Mike Pearce.
Publisher: Millstream Books.
Hardback. 160pp. 21cm by 28cm.
MRP £20.00

Bristol: 1
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(Product Ref 102965)
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The railway classic reprinted with additional photographic content.
Publisher: Kestrel Railway Books
Hardback. 224pp. 16cm by 23cm.
MRP £14.95

Bristol: 1
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(Product Ref 119485)
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MRP £30.00

Bristol: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 126138)
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MRP £25.00

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 116168)
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MRP £25.00

Bristol: 1
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(Product Ref 118085)
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Pen & Sword Southern Urie & Maunsell 2 Cylinder 4-6-0s 9781473852532
Covering this family of locomotives which operated between 1914 and 1936. Over 200 B&W photos plus colour illustrations.
Hardback. 264pp. 26cm by 25cm.

MRP £30.00

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 108031)
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MRP £19.99

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 116740)
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MRP £25.00

Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 108988)
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MRP £30.00

Cardiff: 1
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(Product Ref 108158)
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British Type 3 Diesel Locomotives By David Cable 9781473899681
Over 200, largely unpublished, colour photographs of Classes 33, 35, 37 and upgraded 31.
Hardback. 261pp. 25cm by 20cm.
MRP £30.00

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 110721)
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Type 5 Heavy Freight Locomotives 9781473899728
Colour photos of classes 565859 and 60 working at a wide range of locations.
Hardback. 240pp. 25cm by 20cm.
MRP £30.00

Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 114359)
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MRP £25.00

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 114423)
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Great Western County Classes Reference book by David Maidment e Churchward 4-4-0s, 4-4-42 Tank and Hawksworth 4-6-0s.
Hardback. 226pp. 25cm by 24cm.
Pages: 224
Illustrations: 200
MRP £30.00

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 112149)
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Heritage Traction on the Main Line 9781526713124
Showcasing the many classes of preserved BR locomotives that operate on the national network.
Hardback. 128pp. 28cm by 22cm.
MRP £25.00

Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 2
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(Product Ref 113985)
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MRP £35.00

Bristol: 1, Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 117517)
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MRP £40.00

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 116179)
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MRP £30.00

Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 117518)
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MRP £40.00

Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 117504)
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9781526726896 Southern Steam Recollections
A nostalgic and pictorial portrait of the last years of steam on the Southern Railway.
Hardback. 158pp. 25cm by 19cm.
MRP £29.95

Bristol: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 117178)
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MRP £25.00

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 116176)
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MRP £35.00

Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 1
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(Product Ref 116178)
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MRP £25.00

Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1, Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 122599)
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MRP £25.00

Bristol: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 123010)
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9781526759825 British Steam Military Connections LNER Steam Locomotives & Tornado
A nostalgic and pictorial record of the LNER steam locomotives with names linked to the military and also the Tornado.
Author: Keith Langston.
Publisher: Pen & Sword
Hardback. 152pp. 22cm by 28cm.
MRP £25.00

Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 117175)
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MRP £40.00

Bristol: 1
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(Product Ref 126139)
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MRP £30.00

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 123040)
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MRP £30.00

Bristol: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 121163)
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9781526772503 Midland Railway and L M S 4-4-0 Locomotives
The book covers the period from the first Midland 4-4-0 built in 1876 to the last LMS 2P withdrawn in 1962 and includes performance logs, weight diagrams and dimensions and statistical details of each locomotive.
Hardback. 352pp. 25cm by 24cm.

MRP £35.00

Bristol: 1, Cardiff: 1, Gloucester: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 123977)
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MRP £30.00

Cardiff: 1, Plymouth: 1, Stroud: 1
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(Product Ref 122582)
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highly illustrated guide that explores the commissioning of the Class 60's and their construction, testing and running. It also undertakes an in-depth technical appraisal of the class and details , liveries, modifications and preservation and refurbishment of the locomotives.
Author: Edward Gleed.
Publisher: Crowood.
Hardback. 192pp. 22cm by 26cm.
MRP £25.00

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 105532)
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British Steam Patriots 9781845631451
This definitve work looks at the details associated with each member of the class and archive images of all 52 locomotives are shown. None remain of the original 4-6-0's, one of the biggest shames for railway enthusiasts.
Author: Keith Langston
Publisher: Wharncliffe Transport
Hardback. 172pp. 18cm by 25cm.
MRP £19.99

Gloucester: 1
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(Product Ref 97569)
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Scottish Steam
This lavishly illustrated and detailed publication celebrates the standard gauge steam locomotives that were built 'North of the Border" for the railways of Great Britain. Many of the 380 carefully selected images of the Scottish locomotives are published for the first time.
Author: Keith Langston.
Publisher: Pen & Sword.
Hardback. 240pp. 22cm by 28cm.
MRP £25.00

Bristol: 1, Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 102013)
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Hampshire Railways The History Of Steam 9781846742965
A thoroughly researched and lively books recalls the golden age of steam and the railways in their heyday, many anecdotes and a wealth of old photographs.
Publisher: Countryside Books
Paperback. 128pp. 23cm by 17cm.
MRP £12.95

Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 98163)
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Capital Transport Publishing Southern Counties Main Line Steam 9781854143495
A full colour pictorial steam journey through the lines of the south of England during the final ten years or so of steam operation, for many enthusiasts they were the halcyon days of steam.
Hardback. 112pp. 22cm by 25cm.
MRP £18.95

Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 100254)
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Some distinctive designs such as the elegant Billington K Class 'Moguls' were closely associated with Sussex and gave the county a special identity.
Author: Michael Welsh.
Publisher: Rails..
Hardback. 112pp. 22cm by 25cm.

MRP £19.95

Bristol: 1, Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 115519)
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Some distinctive designs such as the elegant Billington K Class 'Moguls' were closely associated with Sussex and gave the county a special identity.
Publisher: Rails..
Hardback. 112pp. 22cm by 25cm.

MRP £19.95

Bristol: 1
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(Product Ref 115520)
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Using the best available archive images this album looks back at the bewildering assortment of diesel locomotives and units that could be found on the London Midland Region.

MRP £19.95

Bristol: 2, Cardiff: 1, Plymouth: 1
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(Product Ref 123979)
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When the first BR 'pilot scheme' main line diesel locomotives appeared in the late 1950s they were generally painted in traditional Brunswick green. Some classes sported a more imaginative, pleasing two-tone green livery while the Western Region opted for maroon for its 'Warships' and 'Westerns' following a poll among the general public. In 1965 the British Railways Board decided on a new corporate image and adopted Rail blue as the standard colour for its locomotive fleet together with a new double arrow symbol. In 1978 it was agreed that a further change was desirable and selected classes were repainted with a large logo and full wrap round yellow nose ends or cab fronts, the first machine to be treated being Class 56 No.56036. This simple alteration transformed the look of the locomotives and, in spite of all the new colour schemes that have appeared in recent years, for the author at least the large logo livery is one of the best. He illustrates it beautifully in this full colour album.

96 pages Hardback

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In his earlier book The Last Years of BR Steam Around Bath (Silver Link Railways & Recollections No. 64, 2016),the author described his early interest in trainspotting in 1959/60. At the time the changing railway scene was all too evident.The author therefore decided to attempt to record these changes pictorially, initially using his Box Brownie camera. This book extends his search from Bath to the lines of BR’s Western Region in the neighbouring counties, an area often referred to as ‘Wessex’.Here the region’s boundary is taken as the one which existed between 1959 and 1962. Subsequent major changes to this boundary are also described.
MRP £10.00

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This book forms the last part of a trilogy by the same author which records the decline of BR steam in ‘Wessex’. The author’s first book The Last Years of BR Steam Around Bath (Silver Link Railways & Recollections No. 64, 2016) describes the situation in and around the city. The author soon extended his search to the lines in the neighbouring counties. His second book, The Last Days of BR Steam in Wessex - Western Region (Silver Link Railways & Recollections No. 110, 2020), covers the lines of BR’s Western Region.
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Vintage Bluebell 9781870754644
A wonderful full-colour pictorial history of the early years of the famous Bluebell Railway which was part of the original Lewes to East Grinstead line
.Author: Michael S Welch.
Publisher: Runpast Publishing.
Paperback. 72pp. 21cm by 20cm.
MRP £10.99

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Over The Alps 9781870754651
A full colour pictorial history of the railway line from Alton to Winchester also known as the mid Hants line. Author: Michael S Welch.
Publisher: Runpast Publishing.
Paperback. 72pp. 21cm by 20cm.
MRP £10.99

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Creating the 'Big Four' in 1923. From the Railways in Retrospect series.
Publisher: Pendragon Publishing.
Paperback. 88pp. 21cm by 27cm.
MRP £17.50

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The Railway Companies Bow Out

Images of Britains Railways from 1938, through the wartime period and into the nationalisation era.
MRP £24.95

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MRP £15.00

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A pictorial collection of unique and many previously unpublished photographs that showcase the transition years from steam to diesel locomotives in and around York.
Author: Roger Hill.
Publisher: Booklaw.
Paperback. 72pp. 21cm by 20cm.
MRP £12.99

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Southern Way Issue 27 9781909328181
The regular volume for the Southern devotee.
Produced by Kevin Robertson.
Publisher: Noodle Books.
Paperback. 120pp. 21cm by 27cm.

MRP £14.50

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Southern Way Issue 30 9781909328334
The regular volume for the Southern devotee.
Produced by Kevin Robertson.
Publisher: Noodle Books.
Paperback. 120pp. 21cm by 27cm.

MRP £14.50

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9781909328495 Visions of Barry
A scrap yard for engines where over 140 locomotives were save and returned to operational service on today's heritage lines.
Publisher: Crecy publishing.
Paperback. 120pp. 21cm by 21cm.
MRP £14.95

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Steam Around Bristol, railways of the 1950s and 1960s in a colour book, Gerry Nichols presents the photographs of Mark B Warburton

Publisher: Crecy.
Hardback. 128pp. 22cm by 28cm.
MRP £24.95

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1950s Steam to Brighton
The Southern Way special issue no 15. As with the other Specials, the book is heavily illustrated has a comprehensive introduction, maps and informative extended captions.
Author: Tery Cole.
Publisher: Crecy Publishing

MRP £16.95

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A detailed history. Author: Bob Yate. Publisher: Book Law Publications. Paperback. 160pp. 22cm by 27cm.
MRP £23.99

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MRP £12.99

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From the popular "Lost Lines of Wales" series.
Author: Tom Ferris.
Publisher: Graffeg.
Hardback. 64pp. 20cm by 15cm.
MRP £8.99

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The Final Years of London Midland Region Steam
This book investigates the vast number of locomotives that came to the London Midland Region in 1948at Nationalisation.
Hardback. 240pp. 25cm by 19cm.
MRP £30.00

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